
For the Long Haul
- Published by Atelier EXB (2023)
- Text: Eric Fottorino, biography: Lorène Durret and Catherine Riboud

Marc Riboud au musée des Confluences
- Musée des Confluences / Bernard Chauveau Edition (2023)
- Discussion between Hélène Lafont-Couturier and Yannick Lintz

Histoires possibles
- Published by RMN / Guimet National Asian Arts Museum (2020)
- Texts: Lorène Durret, Claude Estèbe, Jérôme Ghesquière, Sophie Makariou, Catherine Riboud, Olivier Rolin

- Published by La Martinière (2019). Chinese edition by Gingko (2024)
- Texts: Thomas Sauvin, François Godement

Marc Riboud
- Published by Hachette, coll. Magnum Photos, Italy (2019)
- Texts: Marc Riboud

La jeune fille à la fleur
- Published by Le Seuil (2017)
- Texts: Philippe Séclier and Jan Rose Kasmir

- Published by La Martinière (2016)
- Texts: Jean Daniel, Wim Wenders and Marc Riboud

- Exhibition catalogue, Chanel Nexus Hall, Tokyo (2015)
- Texts: Richard Collasse, Catherine Riboud and Masako Sato

Marc Riboud, 60 ans de photographie
- Published in French and English by Flammarion (2014)
- Texts: Annick Cojean, Robert Delpire, Catherine Chaine and Marc Riboud

Marc Riboud, Choses vues
- Published by Post Wave Publishing Consulting, Beijing (2014), new edition by Sichuan Fine Arts Publishing (2024)
- Text: André Velter

Marc Riboud
- Published by Centre Pompidou (2013)
- Text: Quentin Bajac

Nécessaires accessoires
- Exhibition catalogue, Galerie Polka / De Gourcuff (2012)
- Texts: Michel Perry and Catherine Chaine

Into the Orient
- Published by Xavier Barral (2012)
- Text: Marc Riboud and Catherine Chaine

Paroles d’un taciturne
- Published by Delpire (2012)
- Interviews with Bertrand Eveno. Chinese edition: China Photographic Publishing & Media Co. (2021) / russian edition: Klaudberri Publishing (2021)

Marc Riboud
- Exhibition catalogue published by Covana Contents, Seoul (2012)
- Text: Caroline Benichou and Marc Riboud

Choses vues
- Published by Imprimerie nationale (2012)
- Text: André Velter

1. 2.. 3… image
- Published by Gallimard Jeunesse / Les Trois Ourses (2011)
- Composed by Catherine Chaine

I for Imagine
- Published by Tara Books (2011)
- Composed by Catherine Chaine

I comme Image
- Published by Gallimard Jeunesse / Les Trois Ourses (2010)
- Composed by Catherine Chaine

Montagnes célestes du Huang Shan, paysages d’Angkor
- Exhibition catalogue, published by De Gourcuff (2010)
- Texts: Chantal Colleu-Dumond and Marc Riboud

Les Tibétains
- Published by Imprimerie nationale (2009)
- Text: André Velter

Algérie Indépendance
- Published by Le Bec en l’air (2009)
- Texts: Jean Daniel, Malek Alloula and Seloua Luste-Boulbina

L’Instinct de l’instant, 50 ans de photographie
- Exhibition catalogue, published by Paris-Musées (2009)
- Texts: Michel Frizot, Jean Lacouture, Daniel Marchesseau and André Velter

A Lasting moment: Marc Riboud photographs Leeds, 1954-2004
- Exhibition catalogue, published by Leeds City council (2009)
- Text: Caryl Phillips

Sous les pavés...
- Published by La Dispute (2008)
- Text: Seloua Luste-Boulbina

Marc Riboud
- Published by Hachette (2007)
- Text: Alessandra Mauro

Marc Riboud – A Retrospective
- Exhibition catalogue, Kahitsukan Museum of Contemporary Art, Kyoto (2005)
- Texts: Yoshimoto Kajikawa, Annick Cojean and Marc Riboud

Marc Riboud - 50 years of photography
- Published in French and English by Flammarion (2004)
- Texts: Annick Cojean, Robert Delpire, Catherine Chaine and Marc Riboud

J’aime avoir peur avec toi
- Published by Le Seuil (2004)
- Text: Catherine Chaine

Huang Shan, Les montagnes célestes
- Published by Flammarion (2004)
- Texts: François Cheng and Marc Riboud

Tomorrow Shanghai
- Published by Delpire (2003)
- Text: Caroline Puel, calligraphy: Feng Xiao-Min

- Published by Imprimerie nationale (2003)
- Text: Jean-Claude Guillebaud

Variations sur un thème végétal dans les jardins du Centre
- Published by Idéodis (2001)
- Photographs: Nicolas Bruant, André Martin, Sarah Moon, Jean-Luc Olezak and Marc Riboud. Text: Jean-Paul Pigeat

- Published by Knesebeck (2001)
- Texts: Claude Roy and Marc Riboud

Photos choisies
- Published by La Martinière (2000)
- Texts: Annick Cojean and Claude Roy

Les renaissances de Blois
- Published by Delpire (1999)
- Photographs: Jean-Luc Olezak, Marc Riboud and documents of the city of Blois. Texts: François Nourissier and Jacques Bugier

Dialogue entre la lenteur de la terre et l’impatience de l’homme
- Published by Idéodis (1999)
- Photographs: Yann Arthus-Bertrand and Marc Riboud. Texts: Eric Orsenna and Eric Fottorino

100 photos pour défendre la liberté de la presse
- Reporters sans frontières (1998)
- Texts: Noël Copin, Arthur Miller and Annick Cojean

Quarante ans de photographie en Chine
- Published by Nathan (1996)
- Texts: Jean Daniel and Marc Riboud

In China
- Published by Harry N. Abrams, New York, and Thames & Hudson, London (1996)
- Texts: Jean Daniel and Marc Riboud

Daya Bay
- Published by EDF (1994)
- Text: Jean Lacouture

Angkor, the Serenity of Buddhism
- Published by Thames & Hudson (1993)
- Texts: Jean Lacouture, Jean Boisselier, Madeleine Giteau and Marc Riboud. French edition: Imprimerie nationale (1992)

Marc Riboud
- Exhibition catalogue, Pacific Press Service, Tokyo (1992)

Capital of Heaven
- Published by Doubleday (1989)
- Texts: François Cheng and Marc Riboud. French edition: Arthaud

Marc Riboud
- Published by Centre national de la Photographie (1989) and Actes Sud (2004, 2011, 2015)
- Foreword: Marc Riboud. English edition: Thames & Hudson / Italian: Contrasto

Le Grand Louvre
- Published by Hatier (1989)
- Foreword: François Mitterrand and I.M. Pei; texts: Catherine Chaine and Jean-Pierre Verdet

The choice
- Exhibition catalogue, published by Thames & Hudson and International Center of Photography (1988)
- Text: Marc Riboud

L'embarras du choix
- Exhibition catalogue, published by Centre national de la Photographie (1988)
- Text: Marc Riboud

Photographs at Home and Abroad
- Published by Harry N. Abrams (1988)
- Texts: Claude Roy and Marc Riboud

- Published by Denoël (1986)
- Texts: Claude Roy and Marc Riboud

Images de Villeurbanne
- Published by Fondation nationale de la Photographie (1985)
- Text: Christian Caujolle

Marc Riboud : photographes photographiés
- Exhibition catalogue, published by Musée Nicéphore Niépce (1985)
- Text: Dominique Perben and Paul Jay

Marc Riboud : photos choisies, 1953-1985
- Exhibition catalogue, Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris / Paris Audiovisuel (1985)
- Texts: Françoise Marquet, Jean Lacouture, Anne Philipe and Marc Riboud

Gares et Trains
- Published by ACE, collection “Le Piéton de Paris” (1983)
- Text: Jacques Réda, guide: Annie Lorenzo

Marc Riboud
- Gruppo Editoriale Fabbri (1982)
- Text: Anna Farova

Visions of China, Photographs by Marc Riboud 1957-1980
- Published by Pantheon (1981)
- Texts: Orville Schell and Marc Riboud

Chine, Instantanés de voyage
- Published by Arthaud (1980)
- Text: Marc Riboud

Marc Riboud
- Exhibition booklet, Galerie municipale du Château d’Eau (1977)
- Text: Jean Dieuzaide

The concerned photographer (2)
- Grossman Publishers and ICP, New York (1972)
- Forewords: Cornell Capa and Michael Edelson. Photographs: Marc Riboud, Roman Vishniac, Bruce Davidson, Gordon Parks, Ernst Haas, Hiroshi Hamaya, Don McCullin and W. Eugene Smith

Behind the Great Wall of China
- Exhibition catalogue, The Metropolitan Museum of Art (1972)
- Photographs: John Thomson, Edgar Snow, Nym Wales, Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Marc Riboud and René Burri

Face of North Vietnam
- Published by Holt, Rinehart & Winston (1970)
- Text: Philippe Devillers

The three banners of China
- Published by Collier-Macmillan (1966)
- Text: Han Suyin and Marc Riboud. French edition: Robert Laffont / swiss: Helmut Kossodo

Women of Japan
- Published by A Bruna Book / André Deutsch, London (1959)
- Text: Christine Arnothy

Vrouwen van Japan
- Published by Bruna & Zoon, Utrecht (1959)
- Text: Christine Arnothy