
Rencontre avec Gong Li, star et Chinoise ordinaire
- Courrier international n°253, Sept. 1995

- Camera n°3, March 1967

Red China
- Look, Nov. 1965

La Chine à l'heure du défi
- Univers Match, 1965

Regard neuf sur l'Algérie
- Jeune Afrique n°93, July 1962

Behind rebel lines in Sumatra
- Life n°11, March 1958

Retour d'Israël
- Le nouvel Observateur, Feb. 1969

To Alaska through a rugged frontier
- Fortune, Dec. 1959

What's behind Ho
- Look, Jan. 1969

Angkor: Stories in stone
- The Observer magazine, Jan. 1994

At Home: The man who led Poland's revolution
- The Sunday Times magazine, Jan. 1981

Our future in their hands
- The Sunday Times magazine, March 1974