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“Longues marches en Chine”, exhibitions by Marc Riboud in the 13th arrondissement, Paris

du 18 février au 12 mars 2015

marc riboud mairie 13 paris longues marches en chine

Marc Riboud’s team invites to discover his photographs of China in the 13th arrondissement of Paris, at the occasion of the Chinese New Year, from February 18th to March 12th 2015.

* Street exhibition 168-170 avenue de Choisy, 75013. Free access every day.

* Exhibition in the City hall of the 13th, 1 place d’Italie, 75013. Free entrance, from Monday to Friday 8:30am-5pm and Thursday until 7:30pm.

“Alaska” by Marc Riboud, Chanel Nexus Hall, Ginza, Tokyo

From January 16th to February 15th 2015

marc riboud alaska chanel nexus hall

Discover Marc Riboud’s reportage on Alaska (1958) at Chanel Nexus Hall, Ginza, Tokyo, until February 15th 2015.

“Marc Riboud, l’Alphabet du monde” at Multimedia Art Museum, Moscow

December 18th 2014 to February 1st 2015

marc riboud moscou multimedia art museum peintre tour eiffel marc riboud multimedia art museum moscou verso

A large exhibition is organized by Multimedia Art Museum of Moscow : “Marc Riboud, l’Alphabet du monde”, from December 18th 2014 to February 1st 2015.

“Havana”, photographs of Marc Riboud and Alexei Riboud at Maison des Amériques Latines, Paris

December 17th 2014 to February 26th 2015

marc riboud havana alexei riboud maison des ameriques latines

Discover the photographs of Marc Riboud and Alexei Riboud taken in Cuba in the exhibition “Havana” at Maison des Amériques latines, Paris, from December 17th 2014 to February 26th 2015.

Free entrance from Monday to Saturday, 10am to 7pm
3 rue Cassette, 75006 Paris.

Group exhibition “Paris Magnum” at Hôtel de Ville of Paris

December 12th 2014 to March 28th 2015

marc riboud paris magnum

Discover a selection of Marc Riboud’s photographs of Paris in the group exhibition “Paris Magnum” at Hôtel de Ville of Paris, from December 12th 2014 to March 28th 2015.

Exhibition “Portraits” at Galerie Arcturus, Paris

November 6th to 30th 2014

marc riboud portraits galerie arcturus

Discover a selection of portraits by Marc Riboud at Arcturus gallery from November 6th to 30th.

Exhibition “Witness at a Crossroads, Photographer Marc Riboud in Asia” at the Rubin Museum, New York

From October 16th 2014 to March 23rd 2015

marc riboud witness at a crossroads rubin museum of art new york

Don’t miss the exhibition « Witness at a Crossroads » showing Marc Riboud’s early photographs taken during his journey from Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan and Pakistan towards India, then to China and Japan, between 1955 and 1958.

Cliquez here to visit the website of the Rubin Museum

Exhibition “Marc Riboud, Premiers déclics” at the Plateau, Lyon

October 3rd 2014 to February 21st 2015

Marc Riboud Premiers déclics Le Plateau Lyon

Discover Marc Riboud’s first photographs, from the end of the 40s to 1960 in the exhibition “Marc Riboud, Premiers déclics” at the Plateau, Hôtel de Région in Lyon, from October 3rd 2014 to February 21st 2015.

“De grâce, un geste !” au Musée d’art moderne Richard Anacréon de Granville

du 12 avril au 9 novembre 2014


marc riboud musee d'art moderne anacreon granville

Discover a choice of photographs by Marc Riboud in the exhibition « De grâce, un geste ! » at the Museum of Modern Art Richard Anacréon in Granville, from April 12th to November 9th 2014.