Tag: Magnum Photos

October news : Marc Riboud x Magnum Photos

from October 21th to 27th

Square Print Sale by Magnum Photos

Nap in Acapulco, Mexico, 1959 © Marc Riboud / Fonds Marc Riboud au MNAAG
The Square Print Sale, organised by Magnum Photos, is back! The theme of the sale is “Eden”, hence the choice of this photograph, taken in Mexico in 1959, which celebrates the delights of sun and rest.

Both Magnum and The Photo Society photographers have contributed over 120 signed or estate-stamped prints which are available to purchase as 6×6″ digital c-type prints on Fuji Crystal Archive Matte paper during the one-week online sale.
Find all the details of the sale on the Magnum Photos website


Group exhibition España x Magnum

Santa Cruz del Valle de los Caídos Benedictine Abbey, 1959, Spain

This photograph by Marc Riboud is on show until October 26th at La Fábrica de Armas de La Vega in Oviedo, Spain. Magnum Photos agency, winner of the Princess of Asturias Award for Concord, is organising a group exhibition on the theme of Spain, featuring 112 prints by 46 photographers.

Crossed perspectives on China : exhibition of Marc Riboud and Martin Parr at Forte di Bard, Italy

from July 5th to November 11th 2024

How to tell the story of a country like China: so vast, populous, diverse in its landscapes and in the peoples who make it up, so eternal and so changing? For this exhibition, we made a bet: we asked Martin Parr to select images from Marc Riboud’s archives and to add a selection from his personal archives. Without being exhaustive, these two proposals give a clear idea of the development of China from the 1950s to the present day, from an idealistic, inward-looking country to a superpower competing with the United States.

© Forte di Bard

Exhibition: “China. From Cultural Revolution to super power” Martin Parr – Marc Riboud
Production: Magnum Photos and Forte di Bard
Adress: Forte di Bard, 11020 Bard, Aosta Valley, Italy

Group exhibition “Magnum Manifesto” in Rome

February 7th to June 3rd 2018

Celebrate Magnum Photos’ 70th birthday with the exhibition “Magnum Manifesto” in Rome.

For more information: www.arapacis.it/en/

Group exhibition “Magic Moments” at Leica Store in Lille

September 14th to October 6th 2017

M for “Magic Moments”, M for Magnum Photos, M for Leica M. Sixteen photographers of the agency are gathered in this exhibition which celebrates the 70th birthday of Magnum Photos. After having been shown in Paris, it is coming to Lille…

Adress: Leica Store, 10, rue de la Monnaie, 59000 LILLE
Free entrance, from Tuesday to Saturday, 10am-12:30 and 1:30pm-7pm.

For more information (in French): Leica store’s Facebook page

Group exhibition “Magnum Analog Recovery” at LE BAL, Paris

April 29th to August 27th 2017

Discover photographs by Marc Riboud in the exhibition « Magnum Analog Recovery » at LE BAL.

LE BAL presents a choice of prints from the agency’s vintages, along with book dummies and magazines, since Magnum Photos was created in 1947, until 1977. Icons of the 20th century will be exhibited next to previously unseen images, as part of the photographers’ dialogue on the definitions, issues and contradictions of their work, in the early years of the greatest photographers’ cooperative in the world.

As part of the Mois de la Photo du Grand Paris, a visit is organized on Sunday the 30th of April at 4pm. Please book here.

For more information (in French): http://www.le-bal.fr/

Group exhibition “Magnum First” at Aachen

July 3rd to October 3rd 2016

The exhibition “Magnum’s First” gathering photographs by Werner Bischof, Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Ernst Haas, Erich Lessing, Jean Marquis, Inge Morath and Marc Riboud is shown in Aachen, Germany.

invitation magnum first aachen

For more details on the exhibition: http://www.kuk-monschau.de/cms/index.php…

Photograph by Inge Morath on the invitation.

Group exhibition “Magnum First” at Hillside Terrace, Tokyo

from April 23rd to June 27th 2016

Rediscovered in an Innsbruck cellar in 2006, this is the first Magnum group exhibition, initially presented in 5 Austrian cities between June 1955 and February 1956. Entirely restored, the photographs by Werner Bischof, Robert Capa, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Ernst Haas, Erich Lessing, Jean Marquis, Inge Morath and Marc Riboud travel the world…


For more information about the exhibition : http://www.magnumphotos.com/C.aspx…

And information about the location of the exhibition in Tokyo (in Japanese) :http://www.hillsideterrace.com/art/160423.html

Group exhibition “Magnum Contact Sheets” at FOAM Museum in Amsterdam

September 11th to December 9th 2015

Find a contact sheet by Marc Riboud in the beautiful travelling exhibition « Magnum Contact Sheets » at FOAM Museum in Amsterdam from September 11th to December 9th 2015.

For more information : http://www.foam.org/…

Group exhibition “Magnum Contact sheets” at ISTANBUL MODERN

February 25th to August 2nd 2015

marc riboud magnum contact sheets istanbul modern

Discover a few contact sheets by Marc Riboud in the exhibition “Magnum Contact Sheets” in Istanbul Modern, from February 25th to August 2nd 2015.

For more information : http://www.istanbulmodern.org/en

Group exhibition “Paris Magnum” at Hôtel de Ville of Paris

December 12th 2014 to March 28th 2015

marc riboud paris magnum

Discover a selection of Marc Riboud’s photographs of Paris in the group exhibition “Paris Magnum” at Hôtel de Ville of Paris, from December 12th 2014 to March 28th 2015.