Exhibition “De la mélancolie à la joie” at Arcturus Gallery, Paris
Arcturus Gallery is happy to present an exhibition of photographs by Marc Riboud which launches the celebrations around the 100th anniversary of his birth, in 2023.
The adress: 65 rue de Seine, 75006 Paris.
Open from Wednesday to Friday 2:30 to 7pm, and on Saturday 11am-7pm.
For more information (in French): photodays.paris/Galerie-Arcturus
Exhibition “Le Japon en duo”, Gallery Le Réverbère, Lyon, France
One, Marc RIBOUD, in black and white, has photographed Japan in 1958 – a body of word to (re)discover from a selection of vintage and modern prints entrusted by his heirs.
The other, Géraldine LAY, in colour, has wondered in the country four times three weeks (from 2016 to 2019) to discover the archipelago. Both, in front of the unknown, let the fragility of its perception guide them, without protocole or preconsidered depiction.
Gallery Le Réverbère is located at 38 rue Burdeau, 69001 Lyon.
Free entrance from Wednesday to Saturday, 2pm to 7pm, and otherwise by appointment.
For more information (in French): galerielereverbere.com/expositions/le-japon-en-duo
Exhibition « Bangladesh 1971: Mourning and Morning » at Alliance française of Dhaka, Bangladesh
This exhibition, created in 2021 for the 50th anniversary of Bengladesh’s independance, in collaboration with the Liberation War Museum, Dhaka, and the support of the Alliance française of Dhaka and the French Embassy in Bengladesh, is going to be shown again.
The Alliance française of Dhakawill host the exhibition, enriched by content about Marc Riboud, and about the researches made by Mofidul Hoque, and his team of the Liberation War Museum, who identified some of the people photographed 50 years ago by Marc Riboud.
A program of documentary movies and a talk with the organizers is scheduled at Alliance française on Saturday 15th of October.
Adress: Alliance Française de Dhaka, 26 Mirpur Road (Corner of Road no.3), Dhanmondi, Dhaka 1205
Open from 3pm to 9pm, everyday except on Sunday.
For more information: website of Alliance française
Exhibitions “Clémence” and “Jours heureux” at Maison du Regard, Le Havre, France
The exhibition « Clémence », created for the Festival du Regard in Cergy, suburb of Paris, in Autumn 2021, showcases texts by Catherine Chaine and photographs by Marc Riboud about the birth and childhood of their daugther, the wound of handicap, the ambivalence of their feelings.

Opening on Wednesday 7th of September from 11:30am.
Book signing of J’aime avoir peur avec toi by Catherine Chaine Riboud the same day at 3:30pm, inside the exhibition, with La Galerne bookshop.
For more information (in French): https://www.maisonduregard.fr/expositions-a-venir/
Exhibition “Convergence” at the Kiran Nadar Museum, New Delhi, India
The exhibition « Convergence, a panorama of photography’s French connections in India » shows various ensembles of images gathered by French photographers since the 19th century in India, selected by curator Rahaab Allana, of the Alkazi foundation for the Arts. Loaned from institutions such as musée Nicéphore Nièpce, musée du Quai Branly – Jacques Chirac, Maison européenne de la Photographie, Musée d’Aquitaine and, for Marc Riboud’s photographs, an exceptionnal loan from Musée national des arts asiatiques – Guimet, this exhibition is the key event of « Bonjour India » festival.
For the first time, nearly 60 photographs taken by Marc Riboud in Indeia, mostly during his long journey in 1956, along with documents and books, will be exhibited.
For more information: website of the French Institute in India
Exhibition “I comme Image, un abécédaire photographique de Marc Riboud” à la médiathèque André Labarrère, Pau
Showing 26 prints – one per letter of our alphabet -, this exhibition invites the visitor to (re)discover photographs by Marc Riboud, know and lesser known. B for “Bateau” (boat), J for “Joie” (joy), R for “Route” (road), T for “Tortue” (turtle)… an exhibition for kids and grown-up kids!
Inauguration of the exhibition on Saturday 23rd of April at 11am.
Conference with Catherine Chaine and Lorène Durret on April 23rd at 2:30pm at the auditorium.
To consult the programm (in French): programm
Group exhibition “La beauté passe comme un rêve” at galerie Le Voleur d’images, Paris
Free entrance from Thursday to Saturday, 2:30 pm to 6pm, and on appointment.
For more information: the gallery’s website
Group exhibition “Horizon” at Atelier L’Oeil Vert, Paris
Adress: 12 rue Léopold Bellan, 75002 Paris
Free entrance from Thursday to Saturday, from noon to 7pm, and on appointment
“L’Angkor mystique de Marc Riboud” on Arte TV
« L’Angkor mystique de Marc Riboud » is available on replay on Arte TV website. This movie has been directed by Ruxandra Annonier for the program “Invitation au voyage”.
Photo-concert with Baptiste Trotignon at Rennes Opera House
The Orchestre national de Bretagne, association Davril and Les amis de Marc Riboud present an original concert creating a dialogue between Marc Riboud’s photographs and Baptiste Trotignon’s musis.
Baptiste Trotignon, pianist, composer, partner of the greatest musicians for 20 years, is a key figure of an eclectic jazz. Blending several styles of music, from jazz to cabaret, from classic to pop, Baptiste Trotignon will open the festival “Ça va jazzer” with this new creation. He gives a tribute to Marc Riboud, which photographs will be screened, in dialogue with the piano and musical improvisations.
For more information and to book a ticket (in French): website of Orchestre national de Bretagne
(Image credits: Baptiste Trotignon, 2019 (c) Richard Dumas ; Marc Riboud, China, 1996 (c) Xiao Quan)