Exhibition “A vision of Cuba” at Yale University, USA
Discover a selection of 17 photographs taken in Cuba by Marc Riboud in 1963 at Yale University, USA.
Address : Maya’s room Gallery, Silliman College, Yale University, 509 College Street, New Haven, CT 06511
From 10 am to 6pm.
Exhibition “Un promeneur en Asie”, le Voleur d’images gallery, Paris
Discover a choice of photographs taken by Marc Riboud in Asia in the gallery Le Voleur d’images, rue de Saint-Simon, 75007 Paris.
The exhibition is shown at the occasion of Photo Saint-Germain festival.
For more information about the festival : http://www.
Exhibition at Institut français in Belgrade, Serbia
Discover the photographs taken by Marc Riboud in ex-Yougoslavia in 1953 and a selection of his most famous photographs at Institut français in Belgrade, from October 28th to December 5th 2015.
For more information : http://www.institutfrancais.rs/fr/02a.html
Group exhibition “Magnum Contact Sheets” at FOAM Museum in Amsterdam
Find a contact sheet by Marc Riboud in the beautiful travelling exhibition « Magnum Contact Sheets » at FOAM Museum in Amsterdam from September 11th to December 9th 2015.
For more information : http://www.foam.org/…
Interviews “A voix nue” between Marc Riboud and Thomas Baumgartner on France Culture
To listen to the program « A voix nue », interviews between Marc Riboud and Thomas Baumgartner on France Culture :
Exhibition of Marc Riboud in Dubrovnik and Split, Croatia
Exhibition “Marc Riboud, Enfants d’ici, enfants d’ailleurs” at Lieu de mémoire du Chambon-sur-Lignon
Exhibition « Marc Riboud, Enfants d’ici, enfants d’ailleurs » at Lieu de mémoire du Chambon-sur-Lignon, from July 6th to August 30th 2015.
For more information : http://www.memoireduchambon.com
Exhibition of Marc Riboud at Maison de la Photographie in Toulon
For more information : www.toulon.fr/agenda/marc-riboud-i-image
Polka magazine #30 with a cover by Marc Riboud
The new Polka Magazine is out! With a cover by Marc Riboud available at Polka gallery only.
Plus d’informations : https://www.facebook.com/polkagalerie?fref=ts